What do we mean by Biosustainability?
"Humanity has the right to have quality food at a reasonable price"
The term Biosustainability was first used in 1991 by the scientist Rattan Lal. This concept integrates the use of social and ecological practices that allow a sufficient level of production of goods and food to ensure an adequate quality of life for both current and future generations.
If we apply this concept to the world of agriculture and food production, Biosustainability affirms that not everything modern is bad nor everything old is better. It argues that there is a meeting point where, by combining technology with tradition and logistics, we can produce more quantity without sacrificing quality. This would allow us to reach a win-win situation: the environment, the consumer and the producer would all benefit from the situation.
In the agricultural world, attention has been given to organic production, as well as intensive and/or extensive production, but this approach has focused exclusively on production and has not thought broadly about the food supply chain. This starts with ensuring that the farmer can make a decent living, that the way in which each product is transported and processed is sustainable and that it reaches the end consumer's table at a reasonable price.
- De la Lola is an online shop of Biosustainable Food Products that is committed to achieving this goal.
Basic points defining the biosustainable concept
1. Production
The guidelines used in the agricultural system of "integrated production" are aligned with the objective of Biosustainability on which the project - De la Lola is based.
Quality systems promote adherence of producers and transparency. - De la Lola seeks commitment and not control based on bureaucracy. We do not believe in the latter when it is imposed unnecessarily, as it increases the cost and discourages small producers who do not have the means to cope with it.
At -De la Lola we follow certain procedures to guarantee the highest quality production.
Firstly, we analyse the products on reception to ensure that they meet our requirements.
Secondly, it is worth mentioning that not all chemicals are equally harmful and do not have the same impact. At - De la Lola we avoid the use of high toxicity and focus on low toxicity pesticides, as moderate use of the latter can improve yields and have a low impact on the environment. Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide with long-term adverse effects, is a clear example of what our company refuses to use. By contrast, fertilisers such as nitrogen make higher productivity possible and will be used in reduced doses if, after a reasonable period of time and before harvesting, the vital cycles of plants and animals eliminate them.
Thirdly, one of our objectives is to preserve biodiversity. In order to be respectful of the resources available to us and the environment, drip irrigation systems, sprinkler systems or any other water-saving system will be applied. In addition, we are committed to reducing the use of agricultural land, maximising production densities as far as possible.
Finally, we decided not to use genetically modified seeds and instead use indigenous varieties, as they are adapted to the climate of the growing region. This in turn minimises the use of pesticides and chemicals and is the best way to obtain good yields with the least use of water resources.
2. Logistics
As long as it is done under lower emission concepts, transport enables global trade and prosperity, reducing inequalities around the globe. This is why we think of our logistics as minimising CO2 emissions and therefore reducing our carbon footprint.
At - De la Lola we package our products using the most suitable materials to preserve their quality and recyclability. Consequently, we put cardboard, metal and glass first. Plastic remains the last option.
Unfortunately, every time the product passes through a distributor its price can be increased by 40% to 100%, multiplying the price at source. Global logistics, on which we will focus, allows products to be transported efficiently, avoiding distributors and intermediaries and therefore reducing the final cost.