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Harvested by hand.


Arbequina extra virgin olive oil is known for having a smooth and fruity flavor, with notes of apple and almond.


It is a high quality olive oil that is used in a variety of dishes, from salads to meat and fish, to enhance its flavor.


Its smoothness and fruity flavor make it very versatile in the kitchen.

Yellow Extra Virgin Olive Oil Arbequina 100% 3L

VAT Included
  • Health benefits

    It also contains polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, compounds that the body cannot synthesize naturally and that, therefore, we must incorporate with the diet. Some examples are linoleic acid (5%) and linolenic acid (1.5%). Both acids have anti-inflammatory, vasodilator and antiplatelet aggregation properties.


    In a balanced Mediterranean diet, it is advisable to consume 50 grams of olive oil per day, with 80% of both vitamin E and vitamin K of the recommended daily amounts.

    Vitamin E, mainly alpha-tocopherol, gives it a great antioxidant property, which favors vasodilation and helps to avoid arteriosclerosis problems.

    Vitamin K helps increase bone density and plays an important role in preventing Alzheimer's disease, as it protects brain neurons.

    It also has carotenoids, which act as a precursor of vitamin A, a major body antioxidant. The daily recommendations cover 10%.


    Phytosterols are cholesterol-like structures that help lower blood cholesterol levels. They are water-soluble and that is why refined oils contain a lower amount.

    Polyphenols or phenolic compounds

    Inhibit the oxidative process because they have a high antioxidant capacity. Refining systems drastically modify their content. The riper the olive is, the less antioxidants it will have.

    Controls diabetes

    It regulates insulin production and controls blood glucose levels. A diet rich in olive oil can reduce insulin needs in diabetic patients.

    Digestive action

    Olive oil decreases gastric secretion and facilitates intestinal transit. Recommended for people with constipation problems.

    Slows down skin aging

    Olive oil protects the dermis from the effects of free radicals, delaying skin aging. Vitamin A helps to maintain a good condition of tissues, such as skin and mucous membranes, so it is essential for eye health.


    El aceite de oliva contiene principalmente ácido oleico (73%), un ácido graso monoinsaturado que reduce el colesterol LDL y que aumenta los niveles de colesterol HDL. Esto tiene un efecto antiagregante plaquetario y antihipertensivo.


    También contiene ácidos grasos esenciales poliinsaturados, compuestos que el cuerpo no puede sintetizar de forma natural y que, por lo tanto, debemos incorporar con la dieta. Algunos ejemplos son el ácido linoleico (5%) y el ácido linolénico (1,5%). De ambos ácidos se derivan propiedades antiinflamatorias, vasodilatadoras y de antiagregación plaquetaria.


    En una dieta mediterránea equilibrada, se aconseja consumir 50 gramos de aceite de oliva al día, con un 80% tanto de vitamina E como de vitamina K de las cantidades diarias recomendadas.


    La vitamina E, principalmente alfa-tocoferol, le confiere una gran propiedad antioxidante, lo que favorece la vasodilatación y ayuda a evitar problemas de arteriosclerosis. 


    La vitamina K ayuda a incrementar la densidad ósea y tiene un rol importante a la hora de prevenir el alzhéimer, ya que protege las neuronas cerebrales.


    También tiene carotenoides, que actúan como precursor de la vitamina A, un gran antioxidante corporal. Las recomendaciones diarias cubren un 10%.


    Los fitoesteroles
    Los fitosteroles son estructuras similares al colesterol que ayudan a bajar los niveles de colesterol en sangre. Son hidrosolubles y por eso los aceites refinados contienen una menor cantidad.


    Los polifenoles o compuestos fenólicos
    Inhiben el proceso oxidativo porque poseen una gran capacidad antioxidante. Los sistemas de refino modifican drásticamente su contenido. Cuanto más madura sea la aceituna, menos antioxidantes tendrá.


    Controla la diabetes
    Regula la producción de insulina y controla los niveles de glucosa en sangre. Una dieta rica en aceite de oliva puede reducir las necesidades de insulina en pacientes diabéticos.


    Acción digestiva
    El aceite de oliva disminuye la secreción gástrica y facilita el tránsito intestinal. Recomendado para personas con problemas de estreñimiento.


    Frena el envejecimiento de la piel
    El aceite de oliva protege la dermis de los efectos de los radicales libres, retrasando su envejecimiento. La vitamina A ayuda a mantener un buen estado de los tejidos, como la piel y las mucosas, por lo que es indispensable para la salud ocular.  

  • Produced through BIOSUSTAINABLE Agriculture

    BIOSUSTAINABLE agriculture is an approach that seeks to balance agricultural production with environmental conservation and the promotion of human health. It aims to produce food sustainably and safely for future generations.


    Some of the key principles of integrated agriculture include:

    1. Minimal use of agrochemicals: It focuses on reducing dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, opting for more natural and sustainable methods of pest control and fertilization.


    2. Crop rotation: Crop rotation is practiced to improve soil health and prevent erosion.


    3. Conservation of natural resources: Responsible management of soil, water and biodiversity is promoted to maintain an ecological balance.


    4. Use of organic practices: BIOS SUSTAINABLE agriculture often incorporates organic practices that avoid the use of synthetic chemicals and rely on natural methods to improve soil quality and plant health.


    5. Promotion of biodiversity: Preservation and promotion of species diversity is encouraged, which can help control pests and diseases naturally.


    6. Social responsibility: The welfare of farm workers is considered and ethical production practices are promoted.

  • Infinitely recyclable metal packaging

    On the one hand, the metal container is the only one that maintains the properties of the oil unalterable, from the moment of packaging until its final consumption.

    On the other hand, metal is one of the most efficient materials to recycle, since it can be recycled over and over again without losing quality. In addition, the metal recycling process saves a great deal of energy compared to production from raw materials, which makes it even more sustainable.

    Consequently, olive oil cans are the perfect packaging for this product and for the environment.

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